Shaoshu Zhu

When would the world return to 1024...

Always Young, always in tears.


Hey there is Shaoshu aka May! Currently graduated from UCD with a master degree of Computer Science and pursuing a software engineer job in Ireland and China! I'm a passionated programmer who likes problem-solving and constantly learning new skills. I wish making sure every bit counts and readable since I joined this community. Feel free to connect with me:)

👩🏽‍🚀 Projects

Charity Event

Built a distributed system with React.js and ASP.NET core which is deployed on Azure with Docker and Kubernetes, configured Ingress Proxy to provide stable and fast access to our microservices.By writing unit tests in ASP.NET core framework, the code is guaranteed to have high code coverage and safety.


Built a easy-to-use wiki with Vue.js and Flask to create a convenient tool for sharing files between work groups within one organization, The whole project is designed by distributed Actor model and under jwt authentication.

Re-shoot image detection

Trained a high performance image detection application by using OpenCV, the algorithms are fully implemented by Python and serves fast processing speed.

🏆 Accomplishments

2018 excellent E&Y campus ambassador

Outstanding Volunteer of College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering of HNU

Tech leader in Computer Maintenance Organization of Hunan University.

🌮 Work History


Millennium Strings Network Studio(China)

In charge of managing the server cluster and deploying CI/CD automation. Built the monitoring system based on Grafana and Zabbix. In that team I've learned a lot of knowledges of Linux and Git, also inspired me to notice another aspect of coding instead of only itself.

Let's CONNECT! :)